Friday, September 4, 2015

Thoth Points The Way

Thoth is the Egyptian God of wisdom and magic. I came upon Robin Murez's version of him (Toth) in Windward Circle this morning and felt both of those things.

The wisdom of sometimes breaking rules and taking the opposite way, and of heading to the beach this last holiday weekend of Summer instead of anywhere else. The magic of lucking into another cool work by Venice Public Art, and another cool thing to see in Venice. The magic of concentrating on the good in Venice, and in the World, at a time when it's so very sorely needed.

Happy Holiday Weekend (and remember the Laborers who gave it to you!)! May it be safe, fun as hell, wise, and magical, wherever you may find yourself.


  1. It’s been stolen, this is Malcolm Ope-onilenla I am furious and looking for a replacement call me at +14243109907 do not be late.
