Friday, March 23, 2018

Love For The Weekend

The rain has passed by, the sun is out, and the weekend is upon us. With all that's going nuts in the global world at the moment, the fact remains that we MUST seek out the love that still remains.

There was a nice little reminder of that at the graffiti walls (By @lovecrew), that we would all do well to carry with us in our minds this weekend. There is the massive anti-gun March For Our Lives tomorrow where we all will proclaim #ENOUGH, and if you can't make it to your local march, there are plenty of ways to show your love and support for each other every day. There are SO many problems happening on a global scale, but if we can remember the love at the root of all of us, we can still persevere.

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood ... and I send you all this love - unconditionally. Pass it on.

1 comment:

  1. This art was done by LOVE crew
    NOT “beckydapotfairy” lol
