Thursday, May 14, 2015

Help The Venice Skatepark Fund!

We all love the Venice Skatepark, right? Well, then it's time to help them out over there. Jesse Martinez has been lovingly and faithfully cleaning that place every morning since it opened, and paid nothing for it by the city of L.A. The truck he used to haul all the cleaning supplies was stolen. Martinez has been using his own car to get down to clean the park from downtown L.A. (where he had to move from Venice after more gentrification b.s. - a whole other story ...) at 3 am every day.

The Skatepark doesn't clean itself, and the city does nothing to help. That is a crime. Thank goodness for good people volunteering to help (as about 20 did on Tuesday) and to companies that donate supplies and equipment (as World's Best Graffiti Removal did), and to YOU!

Because you can donate right now to the Venice Skatepark Fund HERE, and help make life a little easier on Martinez and his cleaning crew (when he has one, made up of volunteers). You can also make calls and write letters to place a little pressure on the City Of L.A. (another reason why Venice should be its own city) to PAY the man, pay for supplies, and let the Skatepark keep all the fees and things the city charges to use it, but doesn't use the money to maintain it. No brainer, right?

Few things around town are as iconic, or provide as much enjoyment and excitement as the Venice Skatepark ... let's thank it with some help, Venice (and everyone else who has enjoyed being there)!

*Photos by Ray Rae

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