Monday, August 31, 2015

Community Healing Gardens All Over Venice

I was on an afternoon stroll today when it seemed that down every block I turned, I saw all these wonderful little planter boxes, all with signs saying "Community Healing Garden".

The signs said that all produce raised in these boxes was intended to be donated to those in need of food. The idea is to build community and unity in our neighborhoods while also growing food to feed those less fortunate.

I checked out the website (link above) and it's so very Venice, I just love it. Create food, create community, have unity concerts, make art ... it's really everything we're about here in this neck of the woods.

Community Healing Garden's goal is to have 400 garden boxes and 999 fruit trees planted in Venice by the end of 2015, with an eye to expanding their area in the years to come. Kind of like Little Free Libraries but FOOD that people can EAT vs. food for the soul. Both extra important, and both now growing in abundance all over town, and from the looks of it, well on the way to CHG's goal.

Planting seeds of food also plants seeds of good, inside the individual who grows it and gets to feel all good (as I can attest, with even just new garden boxes on my balcony, the joy of growth - and saving money by just zipping outside for basil!), and also for the uniting of our community, who all get to sow AND reap the benefits.

Well done, Community Healing Gardens! And many thanks.

To get involved yourself, please visit the site and DO IT.

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