Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Good Question ...

I was zipping around in that invigorated Back To School kind of feeling you get the day after Labor Day ... Gotta get things done, new beginnings, stir it up mode ... when I saw this graffiti outside of Abbot's Habit that stopped me in my tracks.

After giving it a moment of thought, the answer was kind of "No". But darned if it didn't propel me back out into the mix to focus on things that ARE important (to me, anyway), and even make a few phone calls to PEOPLE that are important (MOST important).

So I share this question with you as you get back into the hustle and bustle of Autumn life ... and hope that it makes you stop to ponder it all for a moment too - and maybe make a few little adjustments to line yourselves up toward "Important" (to you).


1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy one of those was to your ol' Mama!! I love you soooo much!!!! XOXOXOXO
