What a year. It's almost hard to believe we made it ... but we did. This is the longest I've not posted on Blogtown, and it's for very good reasons - mainly having to do with my Mom. What a year of learning. What a year of loving. What a year for realizing what is most important ... Time with loved ones.
I was taking an end of the year reflection walk, and noticed at the south end of Lake Bde Maka Ska (formerly Calhoun, and well past time to get over that) there is a new public art installation recognizing the area's Native American roots with sculpture and words. Dakota words that mean Perseverance. Generosity. Courage.
Of course I had to look them up, but once I did, I thought, Yep. That's what we all need, and that's what I want my new decade to be about. This past year has been a nightmare dealing with the American healthcare and insurance systems (scams), and has certainly required perseverance. And will continue to.
Friends and family have shown generosity in the most unexpected ways, making me want to be more generous myself, both with my time and anything else I can provide. Generosity is the only way I see our country moving at all forward, with income inequality, greed, and capitalism having nearly ruined everything good about this "Democracy". It's time to share, and to look out for each other, because with the climate crisis already ending certain ways of life, we are all going to have to chip in way more to help each other out. There is no choice.
Dealing with all of the above, as well as a zillion other issues, (like electing a less corrupt national leader {they all are to a degree in that racket}, and figuring out how to TRY to save our planet.), is going to take a lot of courage. That's one thing I'm not that worried about. Most people I know are brave enough to do what any dire situation takes ... and things ARE dire. But they're not without hope.
Beauty persists. In nature, and in our hearts. The holidays usually bring out the best in people, and I've seen a lot of grace both personally and in the news in recent days. People WANT to help. They know it makes you feel better inside. They know it makes the world better outside. We CAN make our world a happier place to be in for everyone, I just know it. It starts with ourselves, and I vow to carry the banners of perseverance, generosity, courage, as well as LOVE throughout the roaring decade of 20's we're about to kick off. On my honor.
It looks like I'll be in Minnesota longer, as there's no way I can leave my Mom when she needs me (we might end up going back and forth together, if possible, for the best of both worlds, but that remains to be seen). That alone has been very hard on me, as I haven't been away from the Ocean and Venice this long in 25 years, and that thing gives me my peace every morning. I can find peace in Minnesota in the woods and the lakes, but it's not the same to my heart. It's also hard to find work here, so if my L.A. people can throw me some gigs this upcoming year, or help me find a publisher for my Blogtown collection book - that could be some of your generosity (or a year end donation to @CJGronner on Venmo if you've loved a story this year!). Thank you!
2019 - and the Teens in general - was super hard, but also super beautiful at times. I suppose that's like life every year, but this one seemed to be in the extreme. I'm heading into the new decade with gratitude above all, but also hope and some serious determination - to make things better for EVERYONE. Happy New Year 2020! Happy New Decade! True love to all until I can give it to you in person myself! X